Jean Guide and Best Builds (2024)

Jean Guide and Best Builds (1)

Jean is a 5-star Anemo Sword user known as the 'Dandelion Knight'who leads the Knights of Favonius. She focuses on single-target brawlingaugmented by her Anemo air blast, Gale Blade, which can throwenemies around and damage them with a strike of Anemo. Dandelion Breeze is Jean's Elemental Burst, which is ahuge AoE attack that provides a burst of Anemo damage and healing for yourteam. Overall, Jean is a powerful support healer that can be added toalmost any team.

Last updated on Nov 29, 2023 at 13:29by Tectonix





Stephanie SoutherlandEN Voice Actor

Chiwa SaitoJP Voice Actor


Strengths and Weaknesses

Jean Guide and Best Builds (2)Strengths

  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (3)Constant small heals
  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (4)Huge burst Healing ability
  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (5)Decent HP and DEF scaling
  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (6)Elemental Skill on short Cooldown

Jean Guide and Best Builds (7)Weaknesses

  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (8)Mediocre DPS
  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (9)Tends to push enemies away with skills
  • Jean Guide and Best Builds (10)Longer Elemental Burst


Healing Support Jean

Jean's primary role in this build is to utilize normal attacks forshort bursts of healing (15% of her ATK) while charging up her ElementalBurst, Dandelion Breeze. Her play style focuses on short on-fieldswaps, performing normal and charged attacks blended in withher Gale Blade to make elemental orbs for your team. Her Dandelion Breeze is used for critical healing, usually providinga full heal to your entire team.

BiS Weapon Freedom-Sworn
Alternate Weapons
  1. Primordial Jade Cutter
  2. Mistsplitter Reforged
  3. Favonius Sword
  4. Sacrificial Sword
Best Artifacts
  • 4-piece Options
    1. Viridescent Venerer
    2. Noblesse Oblige
  • 2-piece Option
    • Gladiator's Finale + Shimenawa's Reminiscence
Main Stats
  • Sand Stats: ATK %
  • Goblet Stats: Anemo DMG
  • Circlet Stats: Healing Bonus or CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Substat Priority
  1. ATK %
  2. Energy Recharge
  4. CRIT Rate
Talent Priority
  1. Normal Attack
  2. Elemental Skill
  3. Elemental Burst

For Jean's weapon choice, we select Freedom-Sworn overthe Primordial Jade Cutter due to the on and off-fieldeffects that can be applied to the entire team. The Primordial Jade Cutter would be more aligned with Jeanfor a Sub DPS role or to amplify her personal damage to increase herhealing for the team. Overall, we feel that the Freedom-Swornslightly edges out the alternatives for her support build. The 4-star swordchoices in this build are once again looking to support team compositionand not Jean's combat capabilities.

At higher levels (70 and above), Jean can provide mediocre physical damagewith bursts of Anemo while remaining relatively tanky with a decent Healthpool. This can come in handy when you need to create some elemental orbs orcharge up her Dandelion Breeze to fully heal your team. For themost part, you will want to stack your Energy Recharge andAttack Power for bringing her out on the field for short durations. HerArtifact selection is relatively straight forward and the best in slot would bethe Viridescent Venerer 4-piece set.


Combos and How to Play Jean

When choosing your setup for Jean, you ultimately will need to decide howyou want to play her. Jean is not only a fantastic support healer but we canalso be used to augment other players through her Artifacts, and contributeto increasing the power of others. Jean's elemental skill has a relativelyshort cooldown, so swapping her on-field to blast a group of enemies with Gale Blade or doing a quick flurry of strikes to get somehealing on to your characters is the preferred play style for her.

Jean's Elemental Skill, Gale Blade, has some advantages of beingable to push enemies away or when held down, it can pull enemies towards a designatedspot. This can be used with terrain, such as cliffs, water or other elementalground effects from other characters. This burst attack can also help with Swirlchain combinations and reactions, offering a decent chunk of damage on a shortcooldown. Her Burst ability, Dandelion Breeze, is really whereshe shines as a healer. This large circular AoE attack not only does damage, butheals a significant amount of health to all characters and then provides aheal-over-time to the active character standing in the marked area after the skillwas cast. This allows us the opportunity to use Dandelion Breezeas a powerful addition to any heroes that sacrifice health for certain attacksor to simply stay in a fight without the need to reposition for safety.

Jean's abilities function effortlessly at C0 and she's a great character touse at any point in the game. Her play style and augmented healing abilities allowfor her to join a large collection of teams. Her constellations provide many usefulupgrades, but none of them are critical to her success. While often being acharacter on the Standard Banner, Jean can be targetedoccasionally on the Chronicled Wish Banner.


Jean's Best Team Comps

Most of Jean's team compositions involve her as a healing support member,triggering Swirl reactions and elementalcombinations with her Anemo skills. She typically always fillsthe support role and is never a main DPSer. However, due to her decent amountof health and scaling with Physical damage, she can hold her own on thebattlefield.


Double Hydro

SupportMain DPSSub DPSSub DPS
Jean Raiden Shogun Yelan Furina

This build is an Elemental Burst stacking build mainly used for bosses.Furina and Yelan's Elemental Bursts offerunique buffs, Fanfare and Dice, to the active character on the battlefield.These buffs help to augment Raiden Shogun's damage while shefights and can stack with Raiden's own Elemental Burst, Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, which offers Resolve stacksto the active player. This means the active player on-field, Raiden in thiscase, will have 3 stacks of buffs going at the same time. Jean comes into playby offering RES shred and healing for the team, as well as a large blast ofAnemo damage. Her healing effects can also create a synergy with Furina'sFanfare buff, pushing up the stack count for any HP changes while you fight withRaiden. These 3 stacks of buffs play a vital role in this build so be sure tokeep them renewed as quickly as you can.


Sunfire Melt

SupportBufferSub DPSMain DPS
Jean Bennett Kamisato Ayaka Yanfei

Sunfire is the community name for the interaction between Jeanand Bennett’s Elemental Burst abilities, with Bennett using hisburst first than Jean applying her burst second. This unique reaction takesplace because Bennett's burst applies a Pyro aura to thebattlefield which is continually applied to your active character. When Jean'sElemental Burst is added to Bennett's, she can Swirlthat Pyro aura off of your character triggering an explosive reaction. This canrepeat itself when both Elemental Bursts are stacked on top of one another. Wecan then take this combination further by using Ayaka@’sElemental Burst, Kamisato Art: Soumetsu, to addCryo and a large scale AoE to the battlefield. Lastly, wetrigger a massive Melt with Yanfei'sPyro abilities, using both her Skill and Burst together. Finish off any enemiesleft on the map with Yanfei’s charged attacks.


Double Anemo Xiao

SupportMain DPSSub DPS off-fielderShielder
Jean Xiao Fischl Zhongli

This combination is a power house with a simple playstyle.Zhongli provides shielding to the team, holding down hisElemental Skill to activate it. Fischl's Elemental Skill, Nightrider, provides a constant source ofElectro DMG alongside your Anemo strikes fromboth Jean and Xiao. Jean's role is mainly healingsupport for Xiao's devastating plunging attacks with his Elemental Burst, Bane of All Evil. She provides healing from both her normal attacks and Dandelion Breeze for topping off Xiao as he loses a portion of his healthwith each of his signature attacks. Typically, you finish off Xiao's rotation, maximizinghis time on-field to do damage, then heal him and repeat the process.


Ganyu Freeze

SupportMain Cryo DPSHydra off-fielderFlex option or Shielder
Jean Ganyu Xingqiu Diona

This Freeze composition uses a Hydrocharacter, specifically Xingqiu in this example, to doseenemies with Hydro then Freeze the entire group usingGanyu's Elemental Burst or Charged Attack. Thiscombination puts Jean into the specific slot of amplifying the elementalattacks with Swirl and using her Elemental Skill to herd enemies togetherbefore Freezing everything with a Cryo skill. We chose toinclude Diona in this composition, as you get the added effect of shielding andCryo resonance for more CRIT Rate. Ganyu typically carriesthis team, with her powerful elemental abilities and charged shots.


Quickswap Taser Team

Jean Beidou Fischl Xingqiu

This Taser focuses on having Jean on the field brawling,then bringing out Xingqiu's Elemental Skill to buff our DamageReduction. This combination makes Jean an absolute tank, withher healing capabilities off-setting any damage she takes ina fight. On top of the Damage Reduction we receive from Xingqiu, we canalso stack Beidou's Elemental Burst, Stormbreaker,for even more Damage Reduction. Fischl will provide a powerfuloff-fielder with her Nightrider skill stackingwith all our other elemental effects on the field, helping tocreate strong Elemental Reactions for this team.


Jean's Ascensions, Talents, and Constellations

Jean's AscensionsJean's TalentsJean's Constellations


Jean Ascension Passives and Materials

UnlockAscension PassiveExplanation
With Character Guiding BreezeWhen a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects,there is a 12% chance to obtain double the product.
1st Ascension Wind CompanionOn hit, Jean's Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to regenerate HP equalto 15% of Jean's ATK for all party members.
4th Ascension Let the Wind LeadUsing Dandelion Breeze will regenerate 20% of itsEnergy.

Jean requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension.Starting from her lowest Ascension she gains base ATK and base DEF,then after her second ascension she gains an additional healing bonusgoing up to 22% at her final Ascension (6th). The total cost of allJean's Ascensions is as follows.

Mora420,000 Mora
Boss Material46x Hurricane Seed
Ascension Material
  • 1x Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
  • 9x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
  • 6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Local Specialty168x Dandelion Seed
Enhancement Material
  • 18x Damaged Mask
  • 30x Stained Mask
  • 36x Ominous Mask


Jean's Talents

Listed below is each talent and a brief explanation of how they work.

TypeTalent NameBrief Explanation
Normal Normal Attack: Favonius BladeworkStandard normal attack dealing 5 consecutive strikes. Charged attacklaunches an opponent into the air using the power of wind, they willslowly fall back down and be locked in that position. Her plunging attackis a mid-air strike with an AoE damage ring upon impact
Elemental Skill Gale Blade
  • Jean releases a blast of Anemo damage, launching her opponentsbackwards from her position.
  • When using charged attacks you command a whirlwind to pullopponents into single spot, holding them there as long as you havestamina.
Elemental Burst Dandelion BreezeJean creates a Dandelion Field of healing and Anemo damage that strikesopponents constantly, at the same time she heals all allies with HP scaledfrom her ATK.

To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:

Mora1,625,500 Mora
Special Material1x Crown of Insight
Boss Material6x Dvalin's Plume
Domain Material
  • 3x Teachings of Resistance
  • 21x Guide to Resistance
  • 38x Philosophies of Resistance
Enhancement Material
  • 6x Damaged Mask
  • 22x Stained Mask
  • 31x Ominous Mask


Jean's Constellations

People's Aegis (C2) and Lands of Dandelion (C4) arethe two most prized constellations you want to aim for. The first grantsevery party member increased Movement SPD and ATK SPD by 15% every timeJean picks up an elemental orb or energy particle. The second one shreds allopponents Anemo RES by 40% if they are standing in our Dandelion Breeze,amazing for setting up huge damage combos with Anemo.

C1 Spiraling TempestIncreases the pulling speed of Gale Blade after holding formore than 1 second, and increases the DMG dealt by 40%.
C2 People's AegisWhen Jean picks up an elemental orb/particle, all party members havetheir Movement SPD and ATK SPD increased by 15% for 15s.
C3 When the West Wind Arises
  • Increases the Level of Dandelion Breeze by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Lands of DandelionWithin the Field created by Dandelion Breeze, allopponents have their Anemo RES decreased by 40%.
C5 Outbursting Gust
  • Increases the Level of Gale Blade by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of MondstadtIncoming DMG is decreased by 35% within the Field created by DandelionBreeze. Upon leaving the Dandelion Field, this effect lasts for 3 attacksor 10s.



  • 23 Mar. 2024: Added notes for 4.5 Update for new summon banner for Jean.
  • 03 Feb. 2024: New Builds added.
  • 29 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

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Jean Guide and Best Builds (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.