Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

SENTINEL TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1930. PAGE SEVEN NEED OF ADEQUATE LANDING FIELD EVIDENT STATES LOCAL AVIATOR IN LETTER TO PAPER Story of Accident Claims In Monday's Issue Incorrect Daviau, local aviator, Jerome guided the New York aviator landing field Saturday has who to say regarding the landing. the this to believe it is time to say the general public about thing to of the inaccuracy accidents newspaper aviation. reports pertaining to attitude of newspapers very detrimental to the industry. The present.

report in yesterday's Sentinel is saving a 'possible serious The ola and possible death to pilot smash up is incorrect. his facts regarding this incident two passengers' have been reported with could not understand that accuracy. I less was not intentional but the this done by these reports is damage Kiwanis Club Meet At Good Will Farm The second of the outdoor meetof the Kiwanis Club was held ings st Good Will farm last evening. with Kiwanian Walter Hinckiey, general manager' of the farm, served as the host. The lunch was the boys and girls of the farm br and a splendid musical program given by young peopie.

members of the Club were at The farm early to visit the various the of interest at the institupoints son, particularly the museum thich is one of the finest in the State. Thieves Get Clothing Valued at $50 In Break In No. Vassalboro Store Thieves gained entrance to the tore owned by Mrs. George Clark at. North Vassalboro for the sec- sometims irreparable.

lean Pilot Macdid take cue for from my own landing, landing his ship being faster did come in faster I had but he did not than land any faster than 50 miles an hour. The field being small and rough he deliberately ground looped, ver known to all maneuSO as to shorten his land run. I also wish passengethat at no endangered. time were the "I will. notes, apologize more space because I feel that using what I have to say is of importance.

The Aviation Consolidated and Company sends 8. $10,000 ship two passengers to Waterville and because we have field adequate for to landing service ships, them, let alone an airport aged held the ship is daming them to return by train and up for repairs forcor automobile. How many more ships may we expect to come here under the present conditions ond time this month sometime Satturday or Sunday evening and got away with approximately $50.00 in ladies wearing apparel Although Sheriff Chester Getchell and his deputies are working on the case no clues have yet been found to name the thieves. Mr. and Mrs.

Norman E. Smith and sons, Everett and Lloyd of Oakland street have returned from a two weeks' vacation spent in Aroostook county and New Brunswick. Arrives With Pulpwood BANGOR, July 28-(AP)- The British steamer Bradanger from Archangel, Russia, arrived below this port today with a cargo of 3,000 cords of Russian pulpwood for the Eastern Manufacturing Co. The steamer anchored for the night at Fort Point. Whether or not she will proceed to Bangor ed on orders from her agendepend sian pulpwood having been barred from entry in U.

S. ports on allegations that it is loaded by labor." Jailed Playwright Blames Spitework Spite (By Pacific Atlantic). work on the part of his estranged is the explanation of H. H. Van Loan, noted author and playwright, for the costume in which you see him.

On the eve of his marriage to Marjorie Rambeau, actress, he was arrested on charge of abandonment, and is seen above in Los Angeles, jail. WEST VIRGINIA CANDIDATES (upper. wudge Harry Shaw (upper left) Wheeling right) of Parksburg, Elwood Benjamin Jones ginia republican nomination for United August 5 DOWNIE BROTHERS' CIRCUS IN CITY ON WEDNESDAY The Internationally famous as part of the regular big show This famous equestrians, Hodgini just returned' gagement with this well known performances one day only. Joe Hodgini troupe that appear program with Downie European for special Including the incomparable circus, that appears here for The circus is coming to town and to many this will be the morrow! Downie Brothers' big three event of the day with the ring animal circut will give two performances at Pray's field, animals, horses and bands. one in the afternoon and one in the Among the star performers evening.

the famous Joe Hodgini One of the finest group of shows Teddy famous elephant; and performers to visit Wa- Enos, gymnast, and others terville be found with this cir- the world over for feats of fun cus. Over 300 people take part- daring. 50 big acts including 25 funny The afternoon performance clowns and five bands of music. start at 2 o'clock and the At noon there will be a parade performance at 8 o'clook. Pneumonia Claims 91 Victims During May AUGUSTA, July (AP) -Pneumonia, with a total of 91 victims, was responsible for more deaths in May than all other notifiable diseases put together, according to a vital statistics report for the month issued today by the state health department.

The death rate for Maine was 13.55, with 863 deaths reported, There were 1,175 births reported in May with a rate of 18.36. Next to pneumonia in causes of death among notifiable diseases were tuberculosis, 48, and influenza 13. The three counties having the highest death rates were Knox, 18.72; Franklin, 16.92; and York, 16.08. The lowest. death rate was 9.00 in Penobscot county.

The highest birth rates were in Aroostook county, 16.28; and Hanco*ck and Penobscot counties, each of which had a rate 19.80. The lowest rate was in Sagadahoc county, 9.36. Realty Transfers AUGUSTA, July 28- The following real estate transfers a are on file in the office of the register of deeds here: China--Lena H. Landry of Waterville to Wilfred Carey of Waterville, land on China lake. Sidney--Vance Carver of Sidney to Alonzo B.

Davis of Sidney, land on the Middle county road, Augusta to Oakland. Vassalboro- Mary E. and Clarence Rowe of Vassalboro to Earlon S. Noyes of land on Old County road. -Burton E.

Johnson of Watertown, to Daniel J. Cronin of Hallowell, one half interest in land and buildings on Second street. Winthrop--Warren Griffiths of Baltimore, to Ann C. McDonnell of Baltimore, land on Lake Maranacook. Percy E.

and Leslie K. Leighton of Hallowell to Lee W. and Madelyn B. Richards of Augusta, land and bulidings on Lake Cobbosseecontee. Dismisses Libels PORTLAND, July 28-(AP)- -The fishing smack, Pilot, was returned to its owner, Robert McLaughlin, of Revere, today by federal officers just one year and four days after her seizure by the coast guard as a suspected rum runner.

Two libels were filed against her, one charging that although registered as a fishing craft she was carrying a cargo. She remained tied up to a wherf until today when the libels were dismissed by Judge John A. Peters of the U. S. district court because of insufficient evidence.

Ouch another mosquito! Now will you get World's Largest your FLIT Selling Kills Insect Killer! Flies Mosquitoes FLI 1930 Stanco Inc. Earthquakes Like Italy's Baffle Science Learned Men Seek Way To Forecast Other Disasters By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE (Associated Press Science Editor) NEW YORK, (AP) -The force that sets off earthquakes like Italy's disaster is identifled vaguely in scientific theories that place it all the way from gravitation coming from outer space to the earth's own depths. This "trigger," the final force that kicks the quake into action, is sought as one possible means of forecasting quakes. Gravitational forces are agreed one basis of earthquake power, But the condition that upsets the balance of rocks, of mountains or whole sections of the earth's crust so that they stand like a house of cards ready to.

be tumbled down by a comparatively slight push, has not been agreed upon. Identifying the "trigger" is one beginning for penetrating further back into the mystery. One suspected "trigger" is the microseisms which have come to light recently with the advent of supersensitive seismographs. Microseisms are tremors that barely move the recording needles. changing weight of the 1c- Their is not but companies weather changes, is suspected.

wAnother the unproven ocean trigger tides is sweep- the ing over continental shelves, which are the comparatively shallow water surrounding continents as far as 100 miles off shore. Another which might be elther trigger or the builder of the house of cards, is the possibility of tides in earth. Harlan P. Stetson, director of Perkins observatory at Delaware, Ohio, this spring advanced arguments that these earth tides actually. exist.

Questioned Associated Press Photo Peter A. Bogdanov, president of Amtorg Trading corporation, was examined by congressional committee investigating communism in New York. He testified that concern was directed by Soviet gov Frank F. King Frank F. King, died very suddenly yesterday afternoon at Lambs Corner, Maple Ridge road.

He was born in Skowhegan 6t years ago but had lived in Waterville for about 60 years. was a plumber by occupation but retired six years ago and for the past year has been living with his son, Nelson King in China. Mr. King is survived by five sons, Frank Alfred and Joseph all of this city, Nelson of China and Peter of Boston; four daughters, Laura, Boston, Mrs. Mamie Gravel, Marguerite.

King and Mary King of this city; and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Sawyer of South Gardiner and Mrs. Tildy Caron of New York. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Don't take Chances.

be SURE When You buy Aspirin look for the name BAYER There is a way to be SURE about the Aspirin you buy. Look for the name BAYER on package and the word GENUINE printed in red. It's your guarantee of purity, safety and reliability. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is what the doctors prescribe. It relieves pain promptly, harmlessly.

It does not depress the heart. Relieves colds, headaches, sore throat, pain from various causes. Bayer-Tablets BAYER Genuine THESE THREE THEORIES ADVANCED TO EXPLAIN SHOCKS EXTRA PRESSURE FROM UNSUN BALANCED CRUSTAL WEIGHT MELTING ROCKS DEEP' IN MOON EARTH VOLCANOES TO AND GENERATE QUAKES PULL OF 'MOON AND SUN RAISING: TIDES IN EARTHE AS WELL AS SEA EARTH CONTINENT CONTINENTAL DEAD SHELF SEA ROME CAMPOBASS SEA LEVEL ADRIATIC BELL FOGGIA NAPLES RIONERO 100 MILES ZUNGOL MEDITERRANEAN META OFF TIDES CHANGING ON QUAKES WEIGHT SHORE OF MAY OCEAN SET Earth pressure (upper right) 'which nits rocks and shoots up, volcanoes, tides in solid earth, raised as are ocean tides right) and vast weights of sea water piled on shores by tides (lower right) are theories which may explain earthquakes such as brought disaster to lower Italy (map). here circus. Joe entwo big wild are troupe; Mary known and wili evening FIRE DESTROYS FOSTER BARN Damage Is Estimated At $2000; Cause Not Known Fire which broke out in the northeast corner of the stable owned by Elbridge Foster and his sonin-law Levi Young did damage cstimated at $1500 or $2000 about 6.15 o'clock last evening.

The barn is situated on Foster court which is off Western avenue. The cause of the fire is undetermined but according to Mr. Foster and Mr. Young they have been having trouble with children in and about the barn and think that the fire may have started from that cause. The fire department did a wonderful piece of work, under the circ*mstances.

in saving the building which although badly burned can probably be reconstructed without tearing it down. Alfred Stevens of Rome was, probably the first notice the fire and he rushed to the building to free the horse trapped in the stable. On opening the door he was greeted with a flaming wall of fire and smoke and was unable to enter the building. A hay rack was hauted to safety by Mr. Stevens who shouted to nearby people to call the Are department upon arriving at the building.

Mrs. Florence Paulette telephoned the Central fire station where box 41 was pulled in. This alarm was followed by Box 42 and was apparently pulled in by some person at the box. Flames were shooting from -all sides the building upon the arrival of the fire department and several lines of hose were quickly laid. Several minutes later the fire was under control but not until it had burned nearly all the inside including, a sleigh, team, horse and several sets of harnesses.

A Chevrolet sedan owned by Mr. Foster was pulled to safety but not until the flames had burned the top and scorched the paint on the body. Nearly every window in the car was broken by the intense heat. Six tons of hay stored in the upper story were destroyed by the fire and water. It is understood that there was a small insurance on the building.

Aids Quake Relief Associated Press Photo King Victor Emmanuel rushed to the scene of the earthquake dis aster in southern personally the work of succor. Chas. S. Osborn, now candidate for the U. S.

senate in Michigan, holds that the well known wobble of the earth's poles with the consequent tipping, and readjusting of the earth's shape accounts for the unbalancing. The theory of isostasy is widely held. This means that the earth's K. of C. Officers Installed And Steamed Clams Served Officers of Waterville council Knights of Columbus, were installed last evening by District Deputy Grady of Orono, assisted by other officers from that town, the cere.

mony being witressed by State Deputy Louis Baker of Orono. The following officers were install ed L. N. Durette, grand knight; Wilfred Binette, deputy grand knight; George Simpson, lecturer; Charles Gilbert, chancellor; Francis Poirier, recorder; Francis Wilson, treasurer; James Butler, warden; Angus McDonald inside guard; Richard Powell, outside guard; A. L.

Martineau, trustee for three years. At the close of the ceremony, remarks were made by the state deputy and other visitors and a steam ed clam supper was. served. crust instead of being a uniformly solid cover, is made up sections of all sorts of sizes and weights nod that must balance against each other, with almost fluid movements, Asthenoliths are another hypothesis. They are sections where melted rocks 30 to 60 miles below CANAAN Geo.

Maxfield is much better at this writing. Mrs. Alice Fisher and son, Lowell, who have been on a visit to Ft. Fairfield for two weeks, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Burrill at Ralphs Inn on. their return to Boston, The dance at Ralphs Inn Thursday. night was well attended, music by the John's Harmony Boys of Waterville.

Dances will be held Thursdsy of each week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Penney and daughter, and spent Miss the Gertie week-end Lowell with Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Harris William Harris, Mrs. Harry Harris and Mrs. R. W. Burrill spent the day at Bangor Saturday.

Mr. Harris, blacksmiths' attended the convention. Mr. the surface thrust upward heat and gases that cause both volcanoes and earthquakes. The melting of rocks is held to come from extra pressure of an unbalanced earth crust above them.

An asthenolith. might grow anywhere. Harris received a box of horse shoe nails for being the oldest in active service. He is very smart and enjoyed the day, The B. P.

W. club of Pittsfield held their third annual visit at Ralphs Inn for a chicken dinner, and then to Lakewood to the theater Fifteen of the club members attended. Mrs. J. K.

McLoughlin died Saturday after a lingering sickness. age 52. Funeral was held Monday at 1.30, What was a thrilling and exciting accident occurred Sunday afternoon when a car containing two girls came down Easy street and was run into by a car coming from Skowhegan, throwing it over the bridge' down twelve feet. The girls were uninjured, but the car 15 a total wreck. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Newell and Mrs. Morrill of Waterville callers at Ralphs Inn 'Wednesday, July 23. Waterville Morning Sentinel Classified Advertisem*nts Read them tor Free Ticket to Haines 1 heatre THE DIRECT ROUTE TO REAL ESTATE VALUES It's good business to buy real estate now the ebb tide in land values will soon begin to turn. But just buying in on a low.

market doesn't make good investment. You must know WHAT to WHERE to buy. The Cleafied Page. of the Waterville Morning: Sentinel offers a most listing of -real estate opportunities. By "shopping" through the ads you will find it much easier to compare locations and prices.

Read The Sentinel Classified Advertisem*nts Associated Press Fairmont, Albert B. White of Rosenbloom (lower. left) for of L. of Switchback are candidates in the West Vir States senator.

Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.