Roya's Room @thedarkplume - Tumblr Blog | Tumgag (2024)


(Ransom Drysdale x Naive Reader! One shot)

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•Plot: You scratched the car of your dad´s best friend, so he returned the favor, if you can call it like that.

• ¡Warnings! Mean Ransom!!, naïve reader, Ransom is your dad´s best friend, kinda innocent reader, smut +18 ONLY, mentions of daddy issues, Age gap, (reader is in legal age, ransom is in his early 40) Ransom have a crying kink (he likes when reader cries) humiliation and spanking kink. Mentions of using condom, heavy words. Ransome takes adventage of the psychological vulnerability and her need for validation by a man, but it is Ransom what we can expect from him?

• Autor´s note: Hello there! I had this idea on my mind for weeks, but I decided writing it because I went to the mall, and I saw a white sweater just like the one that ransom used in knives out, so I take it that as a signal to write LOL. This one shot takes place in autumn, I hope you like this as much as I like writing it! My native language is not English so I´m sorry if the writing is not perfect, I will improve while I gain more practice.


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Leaves dyed orange by the autumn season, the wheels of your bicycle quickly crushing each leaf breaking it into small pieces, your headphones on playing music, and your cold legs covered only by black knee socks and a plaid skirt, the autumn wind playing with your hair, everything was perfect, until you paid more attention to the red car parked in front of your house, while trying to recognize the car, you lost control of the rudder when you tripped over a large stone in the sidewalk, falling to your knees on the ground, the bike tilted to the right, leaving a long black scratch on the red car, "f*ck" now your knees were scraped and the stranger's car was scratched too.

You took the bike and walked with it to your front yard, opening the fence of the house

"Mom, do you know whose car that is?" a shy tone of voice came from you, the smell of apple and cinnamon from the candles in the room helped calm your nervousness "of course, it's from Ransom, your father's friend, remember him?" exclaimed the kind woman as she pointed her hand at the man, and of course you remembered him but in a different way.

You had seen him before in some family reunions, you were a little girl and of obviously you were not interested in knowing who came to your house, but now it is different, that imposing man of 6'6 tall, and eyes that analyze as if you were a prey waiting to be devoured and that incessant need to prove himself trustworthy in front of people.

Ransom watched you from the armchair while drinking a cup of the tea, analyzing you from feet to head, paying special attention to your sore knees "Hi y/n, nice to see you again, look at you, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you!"

You could only nod shyly, a side smile formed on his face at your reaction, he's not stupid, he knew very well that something had happened, he didn't know exactly what but your appearance gave him clues, you turn around decided you walked towards the stairs to go to your room "honey, please help me, we are about to have dinner" said your mother taking a baked turkey out of the oven.

Your father came out of his office, he finished answering a work call, he always looked busy in what he was doing, and you couldn't blame him after all he does his job very well and it’s a hard responsibility

"Hey dad, guess what. today I was one of the 3 highest grades in the chemistry exam" you kept getting excited like a little girl every time you could show your parents for academic validation

"uh Great " he said resting importance to what you said, Ransom noticed, he loves to observe, to see how your smile from ear to ear disappeared while his best friend downplayed it gave him clues to know how to set up a conversation with you later.

"Well, I think that before dinner I should show you those papers that we talked about, I left them in the car, give me a moment" said the man as he stood up from his seat, you opened your eyes wide, he was going to realize OBVIOUSLY HE WOULD REALIZE.

You narrowed your eyes at the imminent misfortune and finished place the cutlery on the table.

From the window it was possible to see how Ransom hesitated a little when he saw his car, as if nothing he took out what he needed and entered your home again, with your head bowed placing the last cutlery, making you presence unnoticed, you looked up, he was about to close the door, he sighed while his tense jaw moved slightly to the right, he challenged you with his gaze, you couldn't stand those imposing eyes and you lowered your gaze again, you took a seat waiting for him to say something about his car during dinner, but surprisingly he didn't, then he take his seat in front of you without looking away, he smirked at your vulnerability of not being able to hold his gaze, you knew very well what you did, and he know it too.

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They spend the dinner speaking of business, politics and economics, it was impossible not to be attracted to him and his ease of talking about any topic of conversation, you silently ate your food while listening to their different points of view, squeezing your thighs on the table while the burning in your knees continued to bother you, although you did not do it just for that You could say that you were a little aroused by his way of being so sure of himself, you always thought that smart men are attractive and this was no exception.

The phone rang, your mother got up from the table to answer it and your father returned to his office, as he promised Ransom to show him an old collection of books on world economics, Ransom with his fork still resting on his plate "how old are you y/n?" you swallowed and replied "19"

"I see... you're a big girl now, how strange that you don't know how to ride a bike properly"

You almost spit with the juice of your glass So better you got up to pick up the dishes, everyone had already finished and as long as you could get away from there it was better,

"let me help you, we don't want you to fall in the kitchen and end up damaging the dishes too" he said laughing, making you understand that you are clumsy enough to fall everywhere, walking to the sink tears formed in your eyes, tears of shame and pain, beacuse yes, you hadn't had time to put a stupid Band-Aid on your knees

"are you okay?" he said positioning himself in front of you with his arms crossed, so as not to leave you space to avoid him, you nodded.

"is your bike okay?" you nodded again, you sniffled,

"I'm sorry" the tears ran down your cheeks, he is much taller and you had to raise your head to see him, Ransom liked that, and he didn't really care that you were the daughter of his best friend, it made him hard to see you in that state of vulnerability, he easily took you by the hips to climb on the kitchen counter

"Band aids?" you wiped away a tear and pointed to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen, while he healed your knees with patience, you released a high pitched sound, while the hydrogen peroxide fell on your wounds, he saw you

" you're being a good girl" you smiled at his compliment, and he knew the reaction it caused in you, he knew how to read people, how to find their weak point to have them in the palm of his hand, "thank you Ransom" you said while swinging your feet on the counter smiling.

And meanwhile your excitement for him to heal your knees before the irony of him doing that after you damaged his car left you confused and satisfied.

He walked next to you to give you a kiss on the head, “so you do very well in chemistry, right? it makes me feel proud, I was also very good at that"lie, he preferred everything related to literature and letters, but he had to pretend so that you would fall faster into his trap.

“oh really?”a gesture of astonishment formed on your facehe is proud of you

"I'm finally done, here are the books, you can take them to read and return them later" said your father leaving his office, still stunned by ransom's action he took his coat and he said thanks and goodbye to everyone, before opening the door he smiled and winked at you and then left in the same car you scratched a few hours ago.

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"You're telling me that he's really upset about a scratch on his car, well after all he's a man and that's what they do" exclaimed the blonde, Lindsay is your best friend and telling her everything that happened to you didn't bother you at all, you both grew up together and are like sisters "well he didn't really get mad, it helped heal my knees" you said trying to convince her that he is a good person, the collage bell rang and you said goodbye taking your bike to get home.

On the way you saw the ransom car parked at a house, with the trunk open and shopping bags on it, you stopped to talk with him "hi, Ransom, I didn't know you moved to the neighborhood" creating space for a conversation

"it's obvious, I wouldn't travel thousands of kilometers for a normal dinner with your parents, I moved a few days ago" an "oh" came out of your mouth, your long hair falling next to your face, you took a strand to put it behind your ears "I see you fixed the scratch, I'm really sorry" he smiled kindly, "it's nothing, that are easy things to fix, but you really deserve punishment, good girls don't do that"

“Well, my parents didn't find out so I don't think they'll punish me" he smiled to himself at your innocence, he didn't mean about that kind of punishment, he took the last bags and went into his house closing the door in your face, he knew that your constant need for validation would make you come back to him.

You knocked on the door and he answered impolite and bored "are you mad at me?"

"Not really" said the man as he put his hands in his pockets, "I'm sorry Ransom, I'm really sorry" but it wasn't what he wanted to hear, and it wasn't enough for him.

"you'll need more than that for me to apologize girl," you didn't have as much money as he did, and you couldn't buy him something expensive to make up for the mistake, you nodded sadly and walked towards your house.

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It was late, almost midnight, you spend the night baking an apple pie, perfect for the autumn season and for Ransom to apologize to you for what happened a few days ago, Ransom meanwhile planned to hit back puncturing the tires on your bike, so that just when you leave for college tomorrow he'll casually walk by and offer to give you a lift, and on the way back take you to his home, maybe talk a little and get some advantage out of the validation you need.

He saw from outside how the lights in the house went out, everyone was going to sleep, and he realized that you wasted the night doing a kind of cake in the kitchen, downplaying that, he approached the fence of the house and the he opened it carefully, taking his knife out of his pocket he made a small hole in the front and rear tires, it was a matter of little time for the air to escape.

The next morning he did what he planned, going for a walk to get some fresh air casually at the same time you go to school, your hair half up, the pie wrapped in aluminum foil in the other hand, ""

The bicycle tires had no air, suddenly you saw Ransom walking from afar, as if it was some kind of paradox.

"Hello honey, what's wrong? why that face, pretty girls like you shouldn't be sad" your eyes filled with tears, you really are very sensitive to emotions, crying at inopportune moments, and Ransom liked it, he liked seeing your face and your innocent look when you cry.

"M-my bike is flat"

"Oh, doll don't worry, let me take you, it's no problem for me to help "

"seriously?"you saidsniffling your nose the man nodded smiling

"oh, wait this is for you, so you can excuse me" you said showing him the apple pie, he took it in his hands and uncovered it, the aroma and apple and cinnamon almost convinced him to apologize you.

"so it wasn't cake" you gave him a confused look, he just say out loud what he thought you were doing last night while he was spying outside your house, he would eat it later anyway,

"You're so cute and sweet, you know that?" but even so, he was not satisfied.

Already in the car, he lit a cigarette you turned to see him surprised "does it bother you?" he asked genuinely "no, I didn't know you smoked"

"Is it a requirement not to smoke to be able to go out with you doll?" he said blowing out smoke while driving with one hand, "No... I just think it's sexy" you had already fallen into his trap, it was enough for him to say it and you would be in your knees.

"What else do you think is sexy? huh?" you smiled, and your cheeks flushed

"can't tell you until I get back from college"

"Think about it and let me know when I pick you up, but pay attention in your classes, I want to see those high grades"

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you had never wanted so much for classes to end so quickly, coming home and hearing your parents fight or find the place alone was just discouraging, and there he was, leaning on his car with his arms crossed waiting for you at the exit, you ran quickly towards "hello sunshine" he said, you smiled and hugged him, he really knew how to behave with girls like you to have them at his feet, but there was none as naive as you.

Parking in front of his house, he invited you to come in, taking your long coat leaving you only in a turtleneck blouse and the plaid skirts you always wear "you ate the pie, you like it?" you asked waiting patiently at the man's response

"so Delicious doll, I wonder if you taste as good as that dessert"

a noisy smile came out of you, "Ransom why do you talk like those cannibal movies" you said hugging him again, contact is your love language and he smiled surprised at your choice of words, while running his index finger down your cheek, to kiss you, before taking the first step you closed your eyes, he could explode from how hard he was to see your innocent reactions to his touch.

He kissed your lips furiously, biting your lower lip and carrying you towards his chair while you were on his lap, he continued the wild kiss while you tried to keep up, you didn't have much experience kissing boys, and you didn't have experience kissing men like him either.

In a quick movement he left your stomach on his legs, leaving your ass exposed, the only thing that separated him from him was that short skirt, running his warm fingers to lift your skirt, he smiled at your choice of underwear, black panties, of the same color as your blouse


"so cute and sweet, you're going to be a good girl and accept your punishment" "but hadn't you already forgiven me?" you asked doubtful "Maybe after this I can do it"

Raising his left hand, a loud dry sound spread through the house as his hand collided with your ass

"Ransom please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I already told you that..." he interrupted your pathetic apologies with another spank, tears falling on the couch as another slap sounded loudly "please ransom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I won't do it again" you said gasping for air, he spanked twice in ar row

"of course you won't do it again doll, when i'm done with you you won't be able to sit on that stupid little bike seat again"

squeaks and moans sounded in the room, while you felt the bulge of his pants on your stomach, your round ass red as a tomato teasing him to f*ck you right there, suddenly he stopped, it didn't take you longer to stand up, to then regret it since walking was an impediment before the rose of the material of your skirt on your butt "Ransom that hurts!" you let out a gasping for air crying, your mascara ruined by the tears running down your eyes.

leaving ransom painfully hard to see how you cry for something that he himself caused, "sit down" he ordered with a firm tone of voice "no! it hurts" "I said sit down, I'm not even inside you and you're already stupid”

You did as he said, with your head bowed,

"you're so pretty when you cry, you know that?" you looked up to see him and shook your head, he kissed you again, this time softly, patiently, delicately his hands traveled up your thighs, playing with your panties "ah!"

He did not need to confirm it twice, he knew why your high sensitivity to his caresses, putting aside your panties began to play with his middle finger moving up and down on your center

"Look at you, how pathetic you are, I thought you were a good girl, but you ended up being a bitch for a couple of spankings, f*cking soaked"

"Is that what you are? Are you a slu*t?" "Say it!" raising his tone of voice and pinching your cl*t at your battiness of speechlessness “ah..ah Ransom I..” shaking his head applying more pressure he quickly shoved his finger into your tight virgin center

"Ransom I..Y-Yes I’m your slu*t" more tears came out like waterfalls from your eyes

"You have no idea how hard you make me when you cry, I should punish you more often"

"I promise to be good, I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me, Ransom please, please" your words came out choppy as he increased his speed with his fingers, your walls tightening on him letting him know you like that game of humiliation, but it takes two to play that game and before reaching your org*sm he took out his fingers to put them in your mouth "try yourself, try how you taste, if your father knew you did this with his best friend, he would be disappointed in you"

"but to be honest he doesn't even care about you" Ransom likes to be mean, by nature he likes to hurt people, sobbing and sucking ransom fingers while you cried even louder for using simple phrases that made you feel bad.

He doesn't mediate the consequences of his actions, nor what he said, and although he thought you were hating his little game, his surprise was another when you took off your skirt and blouse, leaving only a bra "It was hot" you said simply, as you sat back on the couch showing the grimace of pain from the spankings.

He took you by the arms again to turn you around, expecting what would happen, you closed your eyes

"wait you must put a condom on,"

"wow after all you're not as stupid as I thought" your friends have told you, and you nailed it well after hearing how almost one ended up pregnant.

Ransom took out the condom to put it on and start playing with your entrance, before the new experience you moved your hips feeling those tickles down there, "Ransom it tingle... AH RANSOM PLEASE, IT HURTS, AH!" He entered with a single thrust, He didn't mind not being nice to your first time, you weren't nice to his car either.

He was still dressed and the friction of his pants make you feel your ass more sore, after putting his long and thick member in your tight and small entrance.

"stupidly tight, you know? deliciously wet just for me, like the slu*t you are" holding you tightly by the hips as he went in and out, as you got used "ah!..ah ah..please ransome it feels so good"

"I hope you learn not to scratch other people's cars", giving another spank while your torso rested on the couch.

"ransom i feel funny" you said in a soft voice "say sorry and i'll let you cum"

"sorry... daddy im so sorry please let me cum, i'll do anything, you feel so good inside me...ah" at the choice of words calling him daddy made him thrust harder and deeper while your lack of resistance made you come screaming agilely followed by him coming in the condom

"such a good girl" coming out of you and leaving the condom in the trash, you went exhausted to the sofá feeling sticky, and sore.

You stopped to look for your skirt, your legs shaking like jelly, while ransome had a view of the colors red, and purple of your ass, he took your panties and put them in his pockets

"hey that's mine" he laughed, "well no more, get dressed, let's inflate the tires of your bicycle," "seriously?!! ransom you are the best", "am i the best?" After all, he had not been wrong, no matter how much he humiliated you, or how much he spanked you, you would be there, because he gives you the attention you always wanted.

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"Ready doll, now you can drive, but you must be careful"

"yes! yes yes I'll be careful ransom I promise"

"I was thinking, maybe you could take some driving lessons with me, learn to drive a car so you don't ride that bike" the man exclaimed as he wiped his hands with a tissue,

"would you really do that for me?" The question is what he would not do for you, He had you in the palm of his hand, he could play with you and leave you when he got bored because you would always be there, puncturing the tires of the bike a little lady for him was the least dangerous thing he has done "but we must talk to your dad first" and he knew that his friend would not deny him something for the good of his daughter... what would be funny is that you both had to behave normal in front of your parents after he f*ck your guts out.

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• Autor's note: wow... Ransom was really cruel, anyway, I hope you liked this one shot ♡

Roya's Room @thedarkplume - Tumblr Blog | Tumgag (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.