Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (2024)

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by Todd + Diane

This double tangerine sidecar co*cktail was originally published in 2010. It’s an oldie but goodie!

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (1)

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe

We’ve been pounced with rain for well over a week now. The unforgiving rain turned our roads into raging rivers and the dark clouds shut out the sun for about 5 days straight. That’s a rarity in Southern California, to not see the sun for so long. Now we know what the rest of the country feels like! Yes, we’re spoiled.The only ones in our household really complaining about all the water are our dogs, who get limited outdoor romp time. Dante & Sierra practically have to be forced to go outside to do their duty. We won’t be surprised if they get bladder infections. Ha, they’re wimpy city dogs.

All our lettuce and green seedlings are living it up with all the extra water. And our fruit trees LOVE all this water. After the rains, all the citrus trees seem to get a huge growth spurt and new flowers start to appear. Rain water is like crack for them, not to mention a nice, needed shower.

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (2)

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (3)

Fresh Tangerine Juice

Our Fremont Tangerine (mandarin) tree is starting to explode with color. During the fall, the all the green fruit dotting practically every inch of the branches were camouflaged amongst all the leaves. But recently after all the rains and a few moments of bright sunshine, the fruit are quickly turning color to a fantastic orange hue.Some areas get snowballs this time of year, we get tangerines. That means it’s time for this tangerine sidecar co*cktail recipe.

Post rain fruit is always spectacular and terrifically sweet. It’s a tradition for us to run outside and eat the deepest colored citrus. The fresh, bright, addicting sweet-tangy flavors are the best reward after being cooped up in the house during rain.Here’s one of our favorite co*cktails to make with the tangerines, simply named Double Tangerine. It’s always a toss up whether to make this co*cktail or a Kentucky Sidecar. This one is heavier on the tangerine and the Kentucky Sidecar has a nice kick with the whiskey.

-Todd & Diane

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (4)

Check out our co*cktail Recipes Here and our Complete Whiskey Guide.Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (5)

Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (6)

Double Tangerine co*cktail Recipe - Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail

Yield: 1 co*cktail

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Total Time: 5 minutes mins

We usually make this with a ginger simple syrup (slices of fresh ginger infused into the batch of simple syrup) but it is quite good with a regular simple syrup. Adjust the simple syrup quantity to taste and by the sweetness of the tangerines.



  • 3 ounces (90ml) (@2 tangerines) fresh Tangerine Juice
  • 1/2 ounce (15ml) fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1 1/2 ounces (45ml) Cognac or Bourbon
  • 3/4 ounce (20ml) Ginger Simple Syrup or regular simple syrup *see note below
  • superfine sugar for coating rim (optional)


  • If desired, rub the rim of a chilled co*cktail glass with a tangerine wedge & sugar the rim. Set aside.

  • Put the tangerine juice, lemon juice, cognac or bourbon, and simple syrup into a co*cktail shaker with ice, then shake it with passion for 15-20 seconds. Strain into your co*cktail glass. Garnish if desired.


Note 1: A basic simple syrup is a 1:1 ratio of sugar dissolved in water. example- One cup sugar dissolved in one cup of water over the stovetop. Allow to cool and use as needed. We usually make larger batches and keep on hand in the refrigerator.

For the ginger variation, add several slices of fresh ginger into the sugar/water mix when dissolving. Remove the ginger before using.

Nutrition Information per Serving

Calories: 195kcal, Carbohydrates: 25g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 14mg, Potassium: 180mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 24g, Vitamin A: 216IU, Vitamin C: 32mg, Calcium: 19mg, Iron: 1mg

Course: Drinks

Cuisine: co*cktails, Fruit, Garden Recipes

Calories: 195

Here’s more tangerine co*cktail recipes.

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Citrus co*cktails | Mocktails | Drinks Food Fruit Garden Recipes Recipes

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Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (7)

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31 comments on “Winter’s Citrus, Double Tangerine co*cktail”

  1. Duşakabin December 26, 2016 @ 3:21 am Reply

    Super winter co*cktail.

  2. AnnaBell November 15, 2013 @ 4:36 pm Reply

    I found this while looking for a use for some tangerines that were too seedy to eat out of hand. I changed it to suit the ingredients I had on hand: I used lime juice instead of lemon, used simple syrup leftover from making candied ginger and citrus peel, and used Hendricks instead of cognac. Delicious! I think it would be fabulous with just about any liquor.Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (10)

    • White on Rice Couple November 15, 2013 @ 4:52 pm Reply

      That sounds awesome. Great gin choice too. Love Hendricks!

  3. Gourmantine January 3, 2012 @ 1:04 pm Reply

    I’ve made this today for aperitif in a dinner party, it went down a treat! Used just simple syrup without ginger, but will definitely add it next time for an extra kick. Great recipe! 🙂Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (11)

    • White on Rice Couple January 3, 2012 @ 11:41 pm Reply

      Fantastic. It is one of my favorite co*cktails. We can’t wait for our tangerines to finish ripening on the tree to start making these again. So glad everyone like it!


  4. Peggy January 9, 2011 @ 9:55 am Reply

    This drink sounds so delicious! Those tangerines are absolutely beautiful and gorgeously photographed!

  5. val January 7, 2011 @ 11:21 am Reply

    Your blog is visually stunning!!!!

  6. Louise Mellor December 30, 2010 @ 3:58 pm Reply

    been toying around with winter citrus ideas… lovely color on the tangerine- the honey tangeringes are just delicious right now!

  7. marla {family fresh cooking} December 30, 2010 @ 2:42 pm Reply

    Those juicy tangerines are looking mighty tasty! Like your sexy additon of ruby red raspberries 🙂
    Hope your pups don’t get bladder infections – that would suck.

  8. The Italian Dish December 30, 2010 @ 4:51 am Reply

    You Californians are just TOO lucky! Beautiful.

  9. Debi (Table Talk) December 29, 2010 @ 4:51 pm Reply

    Well if that briliant orange color doesn’t turn the gray skies blue, I don’t know what will!

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Tangerine Sidecar co*cktail Recipe | White On Rice Couple (2024)


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