Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Phone 4391 Want Ad Headquarter! WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS TODAY MARCH 1 1MI Winter Dro nth And Dust Storms Dim GUNIEN JAILED Fim BATTLE CHURCHES OPEN FOR PRAYER Join in too ooat at whether stats or local 1 "Wa hops that yod aad Si too senate will fvg this serious consideration whon resolution jeer body give thought to its effort upon i trlcta such as ours vary truly (A A ton Water District Manager Protests New exas ax Exemption Proposal All CHImm Should Bear Portion of Cmt Govenuaeat vVV Rnstaftoa Decbtrca la Letter 'r -Aj Protest against of tha $3000 toad tan exemption to water Improvement districts and a plan tor tax mislou to "take too burden off of real qstato voiced by A Rsmingtoa general manager of too Wichita county water Improvement districts I aad in a letter sad to Senator Bm Copies of too letter wets Half of Stats Unprepared to Half aa Severe aa Last Wichitane Invited to Visit Places of Worship 1 At: but five Wichita nib churches win be open throughout the dap Friday for the prayer 1 a World Day'of Prayer and with from -hla share of too eort of government and at too ma time provide him and hla family with tha benefits of such things schools firs portoetlon polios protection and an ad squats water supply at cost You know aonator that wa just cannot go along ysor after designation of Friday for that purpose by Oor Janies Allrod The First Presbyterian church at Tenth and Bluff street la to be open from a to 6 according to the pastor Dr George Horst The congregation of that church will be hosts also to members of the First Christian church who have been invited to utilise the facilities of the First Presbyterian 0 church throughout the day Devotional musio is to ho provided during most of the day at the First Hethodlat church with Mrs Akin Jr Mrs A Mohaf-fey Charles Xlker Mrs O'Brien and others serving or-One hour programs at or tha burden assumed by them Tha troubls with tha ad valorem plan ia that too much property already escapes Too fsw instead of too many participate in a aharo of tha cost Tha ad valorem pita ia never to be made more perfect by taking to burden off the shoulders of more of the taxpayers Wo esu make an ad valorem tax workable by making it Ibis for ora and tax collectors to find and aa-csss all tha property to any tax-gathering organisation that now entirely to the extant of 80 to 78 at the total value la every taxing body each "Wa hold up our hands In holy horror whon general soles tax ia msntlonad and at tha ma tlms wa advocate a tax oa a wealthier whom It ia very popular nowadays to tax and they In turn must add ths cost of such heavy burden of taxation onto the price of thalr goods that Mg aad utils buslm sells to tha man of small means whan ha buys aad whoa It la so popular nowadays to relieve AM Shertd Bear BwdM "You will with ma that tha taxation of property whether by is id valorem gasoline income tax ia nutter that daisrvsa to havs tha undivided serious attention of too minds of Tsxss and every state la tha union to too end that tha coot of nmsnt and too liquidation of all fixed annual obligations of an taxing- will fall evenly aad lightly upon tha greatest portion of our ns hip and whan it ia settled and settled right it will ba dona without thought of too public will because taxation of every kind must bo ths very nature of things ba at all to discord with the pure selfishness that Is a of us all Personalty I am ia favor of a small gaeolino tog reasonable tax and an Incoma tax that will reach dovu and taka a small part of every bus's salary and ths public treasury aa a substitute tor a part of too present heavy tax on visible real tote Evsry man 4s mads a batter cltlaan whin ha ia compelled to OKLAHOMA CITY March 7 Ons-half of Oklahoma la totally unpreparod to withstand a 'drouth of anything Uke tha proportions of that last war A Duncan ths stmts board of agricult un'e crop statistician aald today From the central section wait Duncan said the subsoil generally A lacks moisture With a protracted dnr season tha crops with no sub-toil moisture to draw upon would wither early and die Definite Shortage from Alva south map Dunoan said tha territory west of the lino already faces a definite shortage at ture for growing crops Harmon county is sending In reports that the wheat crop will amount to practically nothing In ths Panband la sector dust storms haw blown out meat of ths wheat Should a drouth of half the severity of last parch son strike Duncan said the toes in the western section i approach totality In tha Panhandle and Southwest tha loss would bo total Heavy rains must fan this month or early next month to prevent heavy crop toaeea in the western action Faetertaf Heavy Tha north central and eastern sections era in bettor position having received generally above not" mat rains Duncan said however aubeoll moisture is deficient to some places Exceptionally heavy pasturing has damaged wheat Duncan's reports said -United Btatea waathar bureau maps show that tha moisture deficiency most severs in Cimarron Taxes Beaver Roger Mills Jackson Harmon Kiowa Omar Beckham and Wash*ta counties Kainfall Below Normal -Rainfall thaw counties hi been greatly below normal Dun-mu aald Harper Woods Woodward Blaine Dewey BlUa Custer Major Caddo Comanche Tillman Cotton Jefferson and Stephens ALL THAT GUTTERS (Continued from Pago Ton) we'd put them nil" "'(f As the bourn dragged on she moaned and touted with incrons-tog unease The specialist looked at her conferred with Dr Hate mon who for thla Important patient had waived hla prerogative of turning tha early stages over to an Interns Jerry was transferred to a rubber tired cart wheeled to the delivery room Gordon following Suddenly the gave a shuddering moan that ended In shriek Go don shrank back against tha wad put hla hands over his face "Oh God!" ha cried "I cant go In them I c*nt watch her suffer!" The hmpitai staff had seen fathers gd to pieces before A nurse took pordon's arm guided him baek to the waiting room A few of their intimate friends ware there Barbara Hilton at course and Bob Hamtsh who had off trad to see Gordon safely through his ordasL Mrs Richards it had been decided was not to bo informed until everything was over all alone In there!" Barbara sxclalmod in a shocked whis per to Bob when Gordon entered going to her 8omebody ought to bo with her! Suppose something went wrong?" "They wouldn't tot Bob objected- gan mute havs been announced beginn atfanLl10Bm4U noon 1pm and 6 P- Members of the church and the public have been Invited by Dr Baby pastor to visit the church for prayer at any time during the "ft prayer room maintained per at the Floral Heights Methodist church will be open Friday not only for mgmben of that congregation hut for all who wish to ua It a place of prayer it was announced by Rev A Bprag-1ns pastor Tbs room is touted at the northeast comer el the ground floor of the building The Baered Hurt Catholic church and the Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) will bo open throughout the day as usual for dais stated votlons it was stated that year relieving tha man of hla rightful share of the burdens and costs of such things I have enumerated above and at tha same time permit him to move into our midst to owa real -property and participate In the expense at tha state oounty aad blty And again wa cannot continue to baek tot amount ho thus escapes and distribute this added burden to too man with greater wealth and onto ton shoulders of the concerns of our city and oountry and argue that It ia Just on account of too ability to pay Than must ha an and to tola way of thinking or ws are going to crush too wealth and business of the country that It ia so popular at present to tax It a mil take if know anything about II to shift ua ad valorem tag from one class of property to another or to relieve certain real proparty ftom altogether without first distributing tola la rsvsnua to others who art not now tog thalr aharo Tap Much Treportf "Should this resolution meet with favor to your body and tha constitution of tola statona amended to relieve all small home owners of all responsibility for tha cost of government whether for state county city or irrigation pur" it would rsltov mo personal-all of this kind and a selfish standpoint should favor it but on too hand if our present system of Ing property on aa ad valorem basis has failed is about to toil It ia because of too fact that too many of tha owners of tha property at toll to Join to HEWS A IlMMEKFORTUNE KEEMttMfNftftTQl THR(mnsnMRFQR ItOttMf JEWELRY STORE OFENS VERNON Texas March 7ltoy has opened a store at 1IU Ts lug to aa anuouaeomeat lug to a Interior romodailag aa of tha building where the located has boon completed gad too establishment ia now open tor business Doyoutireeasiiy? WrImVIT prfif ttMRsatgMSUillfeNrl Pjoor physical lst-dowu Is by a lowered red-hlaod-cell aad teat to ths Meed to wsttieg to beta fat If you suspect on srgsglg you wUl of course want to consult a phyeleiaa to not Just a so-called tonim It to a tonic epedallr iWsjpud to stimulate gastric stemton aad stag twe the si voiyvosc nseesstry In pbsUhg tha i earning bemowloton of the This two-told to hopes task Digestion to to bettor utiUsed sad thus jnu gpg to bettor on! utthssl sxhsaittoa you should pats You ay havs the win ip aad dotaff hut poll la top aotM tone you net yourself aad you may why I tbs I Let IJU help build Wk fSqf blood to-Mlf your cm ast nl iU oeepuMin jw rnw i agala ths eeuitocboe of food sound sleep a good strength c- sold by 0 drag atoms Id two ifaes Ths ft to twice laip tho JS i she sad to saRcknt Cat two treatment Begin pa ths a San Angelo Police Arrest Robbery Suspect BAN ANGSLoi Texas March 7 Houston panto st forts to escape capture after ha wounded two officers mar MeCte-may ended today when Baa Angelo officers pounced on him at a rttl-daace when ha was hiding Ho reported wanted In San Antonio for robbery Wounded in tbs ebook ia changing shots with McCamsr offl-csrs yesterday Barker spent tha night dodging about too hill ranch country between hers ac Fort Stockton and finally doubled hoc to San Angelo When Jim and Police Chief Frod ef kcCa-moy tried to arrest him at McCa-msy ha shot at them with a machine gun graslng Rooney's chin with a bullet and sending others through Banter's clothing Ho fled In stolen car and five out on too Fort Stockton road encountered Constable Charlie VaU wounding him in too leg Then he took from a school teacher and swerved off a side road Into tha ranch country 40 cut Of Fort Stockton PAIR WANTED FOB BOBBING OF STORE BAN ANTONIO March 7 rt-Houstm arrested today In San Angelo hie companion Fay MCNerley arrested at MoCa-may are wanted in Ban Antonio by poUoe tor questioning in eoa-neetion with too holdup of too Grant etore hero and tha wounding at Policeman A pistol taken from one of too pair was identified as oaa stolen in a holdup of too Myrtle Grovs tourist -camp hare lest week and local officers also want to question too mm regarding thla robbery Tha Grant store robbery took place Feb ft Uvea Baptist Paators Attend Meet Three Baptist ministers of Wichita Falla were enrolled at Thursday as this city's only at tha annual Texas Baptist Laymen's which opened there Thursday morning for two-day sasaton according to information obtained bora' Dr Powers Rev 8 Mate tw and Rev Gregory of too First Baptist Avenue Baptist and Highland Haights Baptist churches peetlvaty comprised too trio of Wtohitans present for ths moat The of tha convention la to mobilise Tessa Baptist layman tor toe statewide and wor id-wids avaagallatte aad tonary program by too gouthara Baptist ehureh I Kraft president of the Kraft-Phralx -corporation of Chicago aad John Hlu of Nash-viUs Tsam aro among too renowned lay Isadora scheduled for on tha eonvenUon program Dallas Dr Georgs Truitt tor of too FlraBaotlat ehurel BUTS STATION INTEREST to fte aewi Xsm VERNON-Texas' Huntley hae -acquired half Interest la Morels 'service st tlon Main and Hr Huntley purchased aa interest from Batchelor aoto of too establishment Mr Batchelor and Mr Huntley now operating too station sent to Tennyson Meyariaad Mr Remington asserts that tot homestead exemption low will out $8000000 from too tax valuations la tha local irrigation system and that no othar ibis at revenue to replace that ia provided Ha himself later favor of small gasoline tax a reasonable tax and an la-coma tax that wUl reach down aad taka a small part of every salary tha public treasury as a substitute for a part of tha present heavy tax an visible real tote" Mr letter follows: 1 Effort en District "It was a surprise to ms to read yesterday under an Austin head 11 ns that the bouaa at represents by vote of 108 to 23 had approved a proposed amei moot to our statu constitution ex smptlng homesteads ftom taxation up to ths valuation of I3AOO by any and nU taxing subdivisions except school district and that this bill to sow before your body for slmUar action and -at tha time attempting to maks it I slbls for tot state county or municipal subdivision to dtrivs revenue from a general tax tha latter amendment to tha resolution passing too house by a vote of 90 to SO "The 1 effort this urs will likely have on our Wichita County Water Improvement District No 1 will bo an exemption of about SA00 of property from a valuation of SM0 each which will mean a in valuation on our annual tax rolls of approximately SOfiOOfiOO with ao pose lblllty of any kind for our district to derive revenue from nay source to make up tor this except to raise toe i tlon or tha rate upon too but-of too property of the district not affected by tola exemption Evan with a general tax or with tha nt gasollns tax and tha nt method of distributing too proceeds from such then ia no way tor any portion of such revenue to reach tha funds of aa tlon such ours "Surely a statute of this eharao-tar will seriously injurs ovary wa tor Impravamant district to that any portion of its tax ftom ltvy on on ad vriotom basis by materially ineraaslug tha amount against a considerable number of Its taxpayers and at tha some time allowing until blocks of similar property of its taxpayers to escape entirely We know that this is popular at present to rail tvs too small home and too transient who owns nothing but an automobile Empty Your Gall Bladder a Mb Delon 5 MORE MILES Withstand Another Dry Period Parched Season counties also missed adequate rains This condition ha aald 111 tor tha cotton crop rainfall of heavy proportions to received thla month Even In where wheat la In fair condition Duncan said there la ne more rain VP- aa suffered more than uiua1 severs winter and In -oma areas tha damage haa been considerable Duneaa Harry Cordell president of the hoard of agriculture concurred in statements saying: "Things art in worm shape new than they wars at this time last year If soma of sections don get rain they are really going to bt up ugelnat it" Ample Water Provided Gtjr by Natural Spring ADA Okie March 7 (UP)- While other Oklahoma an acting to increase their available water supply and wondering when they can got mon Ada to draw from a natural southern Pontotoc county has used tor tha past 10 yi The city goto its water ftom Mill spring aald to ha tha largest natural spring of pun water In tha stats 1 Engineers estimate the spring enough water to supply at city of BdOOO population A heavy to demand was created by opening of tha Fitts oil field In the county boosting the city's MTonue ftom water by hundreds of dollars but causing no ap-prsclabls diminution in rsssnrs VaOey View Phy Cast Named for Toumamcsit to tbs Bmri Xsm VALLEY VIEW Texas Manh 7 east of seven Valley ViawHI school puplla haa barn lsetsd nt tha school In the inter-acholastle league ons-act play test Bunt A Is dl-rooting ths play "Tha BUvvr lining" Members of the east an Ned-ra Barry Edna Earla Hudson Mary Louisa Warren VaUareo Talley Hamilton Mitchell Chllden and Troy Brannon OkUunion Host Sunday For Baptist Gathering Btpgrt ftewia VERNON Texas March T-Tha March ting of the Baptist training unit ana Sunday school divisions of tha Wilbargor-Foard County Baptist association will bo hold Sunday afternoon at Okle-union The program for tha event has not bom announeod- i -ous other local Protestant churches would havs their doors open throughout the day with an invitation to their members and the public to participate in the day of prayer urged by Governor Allred Watkins to Speak at C-C Council Luncheon Charles 'K Watkins educational director of the Wichita Falto Community (best campaign will bo the principal speaker Friday at the biweekly meeting of the business oouncU of the Wichita Fans Chamber of Commerce according to an announoemsnt Thursday by H-Bolin council chairman The luncheon meeting which more than 100 members are expected to attend wUl he held at the Kemp hotel Mr Watkins' ability as a speaker is recognised in Wichita rate when ha has often mads addresses His Friday talk will be devoted to 0 discussion of the chamber of com-neroe an organisation with which no has been closely connected for many years Fifteen minutes of the meeting win he set aside for open forum discussion "One parson can go in Jerry aid so" tha girl mapped She flew down tha corridor her high heels clicking on the cement floor to tha door which was tha heart at this ward a door outside of which two nursss were Bob saw her apeak to them saw one of them swaths har in tons Ths door cloasd white garaoi behind her And so only Barbara watching fascinated and terrified tha grotesque and magnificent dmma of birth knew that Just before Jerry's tost animal cry of agony had bom stilled by tha auesthstl aha had-cal led a name and tha nsma fU ROMs (Continued in Saturday's Issue) Prixa Yearling! of Hah County Shown in Amarillo Hi MEMPHIS Turn March 7 Three prim 4-H club calves from Hall county wars shown at tha annual Panhandle Ftt Stock show at Amarillo this weak Ths three calves belong to three sene of John Ewon of Estelilna Tha priao stock was shown last week at -the- district 4-H -oink exhibit at Groom Mr Ewan and tha boys won in Amarillo to look after the stock County Agent Jams Jackson also attended tha show with tha prim calves This is tha first year that stock -from this county has ever bom ahown at tha Amarillo exhibition FARGO PRATER 8EBVICB VERNON Team March TTha Day of Flavor will bo observed at tha Fargo Baptist church with a service at 11 a Friday Bar Hogan Baptist minister of Lockatk will deliver tha sermon ADVICE TO WOMEN ALL women at tome period pf their lives need Fa vorite Prescription The young woman who suffers from monthly paint the expectant mother who has nausea and alter dtacnmUs syaptoau or tte rtddlg ssMf nhtivt wish sock a rsadowa coratlca a nsUst do a (Ms Ste lost sagsE rteffgat WV riot fcbfete do Squid flA 4 raid Embarrassment at FALSE TEETH Dropping or Wppta satis tafias yaw fans tank shy Sen wbm rm at talk it uili er metes Jm nmur suit PASTMTH yaw Hotia me eUrusUyflM a woo-ini mom at mmmi out stowHj pstM non ism Is Oil el say ASr I fSHETSA YTl ttt'XVHMDOlMMlT LOOKED tBOfeWr ri-1 as- "It yon wonder1 which model radio would look bsat In your hom*o visit too Nunn: Electric company whero any of tylea displayed: You can chooes too typo of cabinet toot -host with your furniture" Our generous on your old radio makes it to buy now beautiful rtwtonod all wava GRUNOW BADXOI -7- Mafln von t-IUk 3NUNNIS H0kEiaii8lflMll WfJrPHQ)(E((K wmmf THIHCWE ft-'- to if swESli v- GIVES 3 TO I Wichita Falla Man Facia Aa Well Aa Ha Did 20 Yean Ago: Kldneya Regulated Took Appetite Hectored Lika New Person "A short trial of Gly-Cas will easily convince the moat skeptical peraoa of Its merit" Mr A Har-nish UN North Ninth Street Wichita Falla wen known resident of this cite said recently In talking with The Gly-Cas Man at ths Al lison Drug Store 710 Indiana A vs this city entire system had been in a run-down condition for eon- tinned Mr Hamlah "Was badly constipated felt sluggish and my breath was had My system seemed to accumulate poisono until rhen- matiem settled over my entire left side end reilly hed an awful hold on ms oouldnt lay on my left eide at night pained and ached eon-' tinually and made me so aorvoua at timsa could hardly stand it My kidneys eaossd ma no and of troubls my appetite failed and In spits of ail ths msdlelnss triad could not find a slngte ona to hate grew worse oon tin Until I began this new It was "My health troubles woe soon rs-lltvod ones I gave Gly-Cas an opportunity to help said Mr nish Tor the first time in can sat ths foods I want and -w'Vj' 30 T040 0fJ EUERY DOUAR'S WORTH OF OIL! Jsvsn Mors Mg and -I proved more economical to ns than fowsat-prictacarn Now andwijfc Ton gait brilliaiit now of ma ihto 1KU Dodge yst vo waamryt OH the wsyt Ownsrs report 30 and gsllea of od at S0R to 4SR 3 gf sS ths way through yon gat aia good thiogsm ihtom-iq pow-M Dap yv-that it to sctoally more thrifty to too -s sntm doHsrsaad oqjey mtq a DadM r--r? SS basic ta havs ho- mwtosimd Into thto now Dodge Wlh the new "AirgUdo uS you fairly gost aloiig stinwiing saugto spot taking sharp curves atfRy ao an Yn got tha isty of too Dodge sB-Hort hodfc lv ptoMwod by Dodge m-o Swn IS yemoig to mSfan Dodgo Too pis -it Dodge doal-cySodw bydmdis wMdh oisf Dodgo ftusnri me that dsmsgt aniom sad body of tan to osslly worth tho nittag tor a Dedg (Myths gaotas ef a Dadp tlss with 30 years salad -1 i1 dipmfsMs Mtotolom enSTSLSI MOTOtS-DOBOE BIWNMff vkf TMi iSvettjeoaon mdwoed hr Ita I tt them kidneys normal and name quieted Even that miserable auf-ferine of rheumatism baa gone to tlraly and can truthfully stats that I havsn't fait as well inSO years ae I do now It is wonderful that a slngte madidna Ilka Gly-Cas eould tea such amaaing results after all Use bad failed to have any affOet my it has provsa Its merit in my And OS toAnd tin aaothar case right ban in Wichita Falla where Gly-Cas haa aooompilstied tbs earning impossible IS it nay wonder that hundreds right hero In this city today are loud in thalr praise tor this new remedy attar the good and glorious health It haa given in ao many stubborn casts of stomach liver kidney bowel blood trouMoa rheumatism and neuritis Ths Gly-Cas Man is daily meeting crowds of local poople every day 4 tbs Allison Drug Btoro 710 Indiana A vs whan ha la Introducing and explaining the action of this new remedy GlyCu $100 for box six hosts $000 Cash must aceompaay or- otf0u0m -dr MtalSRSta wvM TKWBOLLAWO THE LOWKiT-PHIOiO CAH9 jelJriKIULUl JJ nm tutm 1 1 1 a is TTN 1 vijlt v-ji.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.