Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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mx P'-W ft k-j' 'imkm i tyubAJHacfc'sww dtaEu i K' FRIDAY JULY IS 1MI 18: WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS Phone 4391 Want Ad Headquarters PERKINsTlMBERlrtKEOjMBW ARCHER PLANS ROAD BUILDING July Clearance! BIG GROUP FOOTGEAR Odds and Ends from Our Regular Stock Oxfords Straps Pumps Whitt Beige Brawn Black Regularly up to $850 FRIDAY and SATURDAY DRYS ORGANIZE IN 19 TOWNS Active Campaign Launched tioniata Active prohibition organisations aimed at defeating repeal In tha Aug 34 election have been formed In IS Wichita ana communities Mias Evelyn Franklin district headquarters aaerataiy said Thursday Tha towns which have prohibition ganiaatloni Bra Quanah ChUlt-xha Vlviaa Margaret Rayland halls Foard city Crowe livern- Oklaunlon Harrold Electra Iowa Park Burkburnett Wichita Falla Byers Pe trolls Henrietta and Bellevue Thursday night Dr Powers pastor of the Fin lint Baptist church opened tha campaign' in Wichita Falls with a prohibition rally at the First isduled for a aerie of six talks next week in towns over tha county By next Tuesday DistriSt Executive Secretary Merrill plana to have towns In nil nine counties of tha 23rd senatorial district or Evangillcal church Dr is echi ganized he said From Aug 13 to Aug 33 an average of five prohibition speeches per night will be made over the district he announced Rotary Club Discusses Membership Increase Discussion of plana for increasing membership in tha Wichita Falls Rotary club featured tha luncheon program of tha group Thursday In the Kemp hotel The program was In charge of Charley Kartsook and Ivan Murchison who listed unfilled classifications and uallflcationa for membership Kin-el Paulk presided In tha absence of President Luke MeCrory Plane for an attendance drive also were' dieeuseed Awarding of Contract For Compress Delayed Action on awarding a contract for a (10000 compress and warehouse in Wichita Falla for tha Houston Compress company will be delayed until Friday pendli ling fur-thar cheek of three bide filed Wednesday Zumwalt company representative Mid word would be awaited from the Houston office before a contract is signed The contract will eall for construction to start within a weak west of tha highway underpass aaat of Wichita Falls Wichita County Agent Urges Farmers Of Area to Conserve Big Feed Crop kw SaaHta OcHmaMfol Falle' three most beautiful girls smile their pleasure at the recognition In thecenterl Mien Frieda Kolb named -Mlu Billie Evelyn Smith runner-up and third la Mice Margie Carter Mlea Utilisation of retired cotton acreage for the production of feed crops and the systematic conservation of such resources arc being emphasised in a campaign now being waged among Texas fanners by tbs extension service of Texas A and 1L college according to Information furnished by IX Everett Wichita county farm agent More than 4000000 acres form erly used for growing cotton has a contest in Roswell Aug 18 32 Miles of Construction Submitted to WPA A delegation from Archer county Thuraday afternoon conferred with district WPA engineers on a pro-poaal for construction of S3 miles of roads in tha coun Hoad PmJacfta This was tha first major road project brought before Administrator Chari Martin and hla staff for consideration Mr Martin exprnea-ad hlmaalf aa highly piaaaad with tha project which with all aorta of road and bridge construction is on the preferred list at national headquarters of the WPA Wichita county had previously discussed old for widening a mile of tha Iowa Park road just north ft of tha Wichita Falla city limits Heading tha Archer county dale- fetae included the commissioners court Ray Parson precinct one: A Schroeder precinct 3 George A Key precinct three and Ray-bom precinct four Tha proposal Included 13 miles of road from Megargel to Archer Cltj for which the county owns foot fenced right of way Tha road would cut off several miles by eliminating the angular route used at present Another proposal waa for a 20-mlle road from Archer City to Mankins Tha right of way 100-feet wide la owned by the county but there have been no Improvements made timber ctlll remaining on the land in coma places District Meet Tuesday Mr Martin Thursday definitely set tha dlitrlct-wlde meeting of WPA administrators and civic officials for Tuesday at 10 a Btammone aula tent district director said that 100 letters of Invitation bad been mailed to county judges and commissioners city commissioners civic organisations and county relief administrators Be cause of inadequacy of their mail ing list Mr Summons has asked that new peps re in tha district announce the meeting end that all ell-flble to attend consider themselves nvited whether they receive a letter or not At the meeting Mr Martin j) rem ised that details of procedure In applying for WPA aid will be explained fully Wednesday afternoon headquart ers officials had received a delegating tlon from Wilbarger county asking information about an application for (1203 for improvement work the on tha Paradise creek channel In Wilbarger county No ToHs Charged at New Charlie Bridge The new bridge crossing the Red river north of Charlie on highway 148 la not a toll bridge as waa retorted in The Record News for Wednesday Tha bridge built by private enterprise is to be Jointly administered by the itate highway department! of Oklahoma and Texas Contract for Hinds School to Be Let Friday Special to Ike Xinil Jim VERNON Texas July 2Su- Contract for constructing a proposed (21J)00 brick school plant at Hinds will be awarded in this city Friday Bids will be opened at I in offices of Scott A Tucker architects for tha project The building which will contain six rooms and a combination gymnasium and auditorium is expected to coat about 117500 Tha old Hinds school structure waa destroyed by fire several months ago Hauling of gravel to the construction cite started a week ages and this cost is to bo eliminated in bids by contractors Yew Engine Purchased For Vernon Light Plant Spatial to The Sncrl Beers VERNON Texas July Three city officials era expected to return Saturday from JL Louis Mo where they have been inspecting a 623-horao-pawer Fulton Diesel ea- Inamrehascd some time ago by plan! icdfro use In tha' municipal light plant Tha angina waa pur chased from the Fulton Irfln Works company Officials in St Louie arc Commission re Ratliff and Byars and Elliott engineer at tha municipal power plant THE THEATERS STRAND: "Curly Top" with Shirley Temple John Boles and Rochelle Hudson Also selected short subject Black Room" with Boris Karloff "Sprucing Our Gang comedy "Screen Snapshots" STATE: "Smart Girl" with Pinky Tomlfn Ida Luplno and Kant Taylor Serial of the Savage" No 9 Comedy 004: Rax Bel in "Saddle Acre" with Ruth Mix and Bum Bar-tra Charier No 11 tiara of Red Dog" with John Mack Brown Cartoon Comedy Heavy Rains Aid Tillman Crops Iputot to Tfe Kneel Hews 8 FREDERICK Okla July Hrovy rains that laft flalda undsr water aad highways immersed fell in tha soutb-eentral part of Tillman county between Davldeon and Grandfiald Wednesday afternoon Other sections of tne county received more Mattered showers to add to precipitation that has greatly improved farming proapaeta tha peat three days Farmer in tha district where heaviest rain foil said that white portions of flalda are under water to growing crops will be bla The water is draining Rainfall here for the 34-hour period ending Wednesday afternoon totaled 78 of an inch and showers were atUl falling Holliday Pastor Called by Happy Church HOLLIDAY Texas July Jackson who has been pastor of tha First Baptist church in HolUday during tha past aevan years ia leaving this week for Hap py Texas where ha has bean to ba tna paator of tha Bap' ealteA Jacks church there Both Rtv Mr and Mrs son are unusually wall Ukad by their church and tha entlrs community and have been untiring in their work both in tha church and all affairs for tha good of tha community The children of tha family are Jr and Mary Ella id ev A paator to euoceed Rev Mr Jackson In HolUday has not yet bean called BIRTHDAY PARTY The Swire Keors ELECTRA Texas July Thomas Wilson wee the honors at a party given at hie home on Wait Roosevelt etreet at 8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon on the occasion of his 11th birthday Hiaa Evelyn iha Wilson and MU Vivian Da 8b wera in charga of tha games Tha honors received many gifts Delicious refreshments wera served to Frances White Bonnie OTfoal Durwara- Lewis Robert Turner Bobby Scheurer James Arthur Da Sha Jr Homer Rlppy Jr Billie Gafforaj Anna Jans Hamilton France Jean Bat-ley Thomas Wilson Evelyn Wllaon and Vivian Da She Safe-Way Taxi Phone 5030 Now ttadebakar Sedan RADIO EQUIPPED 1 or 4 Paeaengera 25o friVSttarisse TrsocliaroM car wracking Uow-eufi iwver give odvanco wamlnal Thay davalop si yos rid omm hot sasiBiaf roode and efloe iho raiob a madto up powlbly a fatal accident Why take a dhancs? Why pamWe? Equip year car now with Goodrich Safety Silver-towns with the LlFe-Saver Geldsn Ply diotprmnb theta tour cats bsfors ihs start FIVES MORE DAYS TO SAVE MONEY ON QUALITY DRUGS May 20 1938 without material eauee Wooleey asks (87880 as past due salary from September 1913 to May 20 1988 and compensation al (iso per month through 4 'I'M fev DURING OUR BIG REMOVAL SALE EVERYTHING AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES SPOONTS DRUG STORE No 3 STALEY BUILDING 1 EIGHTH aad INDIANA Bricrtcd from 37 entries Wichita to 'thaeft ls Ml Kolb will represent Wichita1 Falle AMATEURS TO APPEAR HERE Major Show Booked At Theater Aug 7-8 Reports from Dallas Sen Antonio and Houston indicate that gong ringing will not bo necessary when tha Major Bowes' Amateur Show now on tour of the Southwest moves into Wichita Falls for a two-day engagement at tha Majestic theater Aug 7-8 Playing to capacity houses everywhere this group of 30 entertain ers waa picked by nation wide poll from tha amateurs who have ap-jiaarcd on tha Major BoweV Bun-i lay night broadcasts over the National Broadcasting eompany chain Winning their way into the hearts of all who have seen them the wero uavw DVCU MtSUli UIS amateurs promise exceptional and out of tha ordinary entertainment for Wichita Falla patrons In addition to Lor ing Smith who la pinch-hitting for Major Bowes aa official gong ringer and master of ceremonies the show will include Charles Boulanger and hla NBC recording orchestra Tha prise-winning amateurs Include Maria Woods amateur Sophie Tucker Victor Lindgrca hom*o-made broomstick violinist: Igor I vane Oxford university baritone McCormack and Haring yodeler and accordionist O'Connor mesaoprano Marlon David Siegel 17-yi ator Madelen O'Neill personality alngcr Bees Sweeney Irish accordionist Sheets Simmons hobo aad barnyard imitator Michael O'Byroe Texas lumberjack and tbs Texas Cowboys six buckarooa from Nor wich Conn The amateur chow as It will bo aeon in Wichita Falla will be presented on the Majcctlo stage exactly me if It ware being sent out over the air from tha NBC studios In Now York Local air fans will ret thdr first chance to see how ho amateurs they have baa following on Major Bowes program ao- at a Suit for $43000 Filed By Refinery Worker Suit for approximately (43000 was filed in district court Thursday by Wooleey against tha Panhandle Refining company ee the reeult of an alleged failure on the part of tha defendant to carry out tha terms of a verbal contract which the plaintiff claims was consummated In 1928 Wooleey sets out that after having been employed by the defendant more than seven yean ha waa Injured about Sept 1 1928 when clutch on an engine broke At the urgent request of tha production superintendent ha allege ha refrained from filing a claim for compensation with tha understanding that ha would be given employment as a pumper for Ufa at (ISO par month The plaintiff relatsa that ha waa employed as pumper at that figure until Sept 1933 when hla salary was cut to (9880 per month He recites that ba waa discharged on tually appear And because these entertainers era not professionals and are unused to appearing bo-fore audiences tha show promisee an abundance of laughs and entertainment tEATIIERSTON- ABERNAThaCcJ (Street Floor) been withdrawn from that crop and most of it has been devoted to cultivation of feed crape with the result that Texas probably will yield this year the greatest amount of feed in the history of the state Osreful Hanning For that reason agricultural experts connected with the extension service are urging the importance of careful planning for the conservation of all sum production The eight-point feed'conservatlon illsatlon pi program conducted by the A and college extension service already has been adopted In Wichita county but now stress is now being laid upon a maximum employment of that program Mr Everett said Renewed and grow-ing interest in the first item in the eight-point the building of silos already has been shown the county agent said Trench silos or the conventional overground type are being considered for the production of air silage Other points in the program upon which emphasis constantly is being placed arc the following': Farm Fragrant Repair barns bins and build new storage if needed for harveeted grains orchard and field crops suitable foe home consumption Use best practical means of pro-" ig stored grain and other field from tectin i weevil and rat damage auen as sorghum sad Stack hay bundle feed according to the beet known methods to prevent deterioration Increase the number of milk cows hogs and poultry on farms not now producing an adequate supply of mHk home grown meats chickens and eggs for home usa Offer for slaughter only wall-fed ilmi and finished animals Finish all Texas cattle and other livestock for market on Texas grown food Feed wen during winter months all work and breeding animals RECORDS new AUToxoaiu ucnraxa Arthar Sunil TU Mtoetar Baade WleHta JU Own 2 Raster Wichita Pena CheneW Mae Joke Wessaair Wichita Fllh OMIHM fltdUe Bis BahMagtea Wichita PUe Ply north coach Uadooy MUtog Co WkMta Feiic Peed tador Bintna filrd fob bbcobd Mac McfaB Caaaljr Ctorfe Wjna MUMS Mock 111 Wichita Phlle to Taxes Bcettlch JUte He-prtsl lor CrtpeM Children Kemabioek a 9 Meek til Wichita Pelle to Prank ahcnucA Inals Blanc 8 Mach eat af a Trace flra-acr treat at the Had hirer Valler Mads to Xdd A achrecdcr StafhtaaTlst 4 Mock Soath- ad add It loo aad a cac-leans latorcot a li Mock IN Wichita Fane' to Me Stcaheae Virginia Sato to I Mock I Weed-ten Heights add It toe Btoalia to Burtsa Prince tot 1 block 9 WBodNff Heights addUtoa Xlsctie to 6 Hurls ucniaxa to mabbt lakae Mered Ceertj Ctotk JOr-VMI Cieoecr aad Biss BctoUc Hart Wichita Palls new Mirra pnno dsaderferd DM rid Ctcrh Tha Pint Batlsau weeny al Wichita The Pint Batlsau weeny al Wichita Palls Prlhcrg debt RUiafesth Roger Thou A Hogan divorce aad Inlunctlod Wtrtaor ve Paahaadls XstMtag Hcaastt ve Ptowscs Inna Bce NOW SHOWING PINKY TOMLIN at hla heat ringing new Siting tones la tkh mad race for adventure and fun! I YOUTH HELD ON CHARGE Nude Swim Party Leads to Court Action Held on a charge of criminal as- Worrell Fox 19 Wichita Tails face a preliminary hearing morning before Judge Hatton Justice of the peace Fox is being held in Jail with hearing The defendant was arrested by dtp officers about o'clock Thursday morning on information of tbs complainant a 24-year-old Olnsy woman visiting in Wichita Falla He was held in the city Jail and turned over to county officers at 11:45 Thursday morning The girl in her complaint charged that Fox criminally attacked her on the bank of Tyson's lake on the Charllo road after the oouple had boon to a dance Wednas- ht Bho stated that she the two other girls and four other boys wars at the lake four boys and two other girls she ode in bathing lake at the time of the attack Fox in the county Jail mads no comment on the chargee but said that neither ha nor the girl was unclothed during the affair Wichita Organist Fils New York Engagement lbs Akin Jr organist at the First Methodist church and regent of the North Texas chapter of the American Guild of Organists is serving temporarily as organist at the Olivary Baptist church in New York City and will not leave that city tor Wichita Falls until about Aug: 8 is was learned Thursday Mrs Akin has bean in Now York about a month She accepted appointment recently to the organ of the New York church during the absence of the regular organist for a vacation TODAY i0e-15c No 11 of Red Silly Symphony Cartoon COMING SUNDAY la "GOBS Gala Meaee aad --M af the 8a a PGQinEnrodD TODAY ONLY! 100 Chills and Thrills BORIS KARLOFF out the 23 yean of hie declared ex-of life peetancy Portraits of Texas Heroes on Display Authentic forecart of the Texes centennial waa added to lobby decoration of tha First National bank Thuraday afternoon with tha hanging of large portrait of Sam Houe-iiam Barrett Travis David Crock-ton Stephen Austin Col Wit ett and James Bowls painted tar Emil Hermann of thia city Tha liken of Houston was tak en from tha lam portrait of him whlch hangs in the capltol at Aus tin Tha other printings pool tea from authantlo oil portrait! and photograph reproduced In various histories of the state The sizable canvases are mounted in bronze frames and wars hung Thursday upon the large pillars lining tha lobby of tha bank AUTO LOANS MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Old loans refinanced More money advanced Easy installments Lowest rates Instant service No Insurance required mar i 817 Eighth Mnet OUR GANG COMEDY-1 Snap Shota prides with fna aad atattra with Ha 8-mnrtlB aw- jMriro! X'-'1" THIT IAY IT WITH PLOWIRS- WITH tAUOHTf pefvraavarfo pfoy JhhHioafnS- iF v-i 1- 4 v-d -i Ht 1 Hill I -s- vqiAi- It-w 'a I HARTS TOMORROW I THE TREAT OF A LIFETIME! This intimate that with! I JOHN (Dig MUIh jcan MOTOROLA iMy) AUTO" BUDCCTfAY PLAN A Itowl mdM pIm Ak Hi La wmA AgMguAtoto 1 LmA IM RNfll OT VmfBMi JIM aIa iwL sAse aaasI mtoJ Aafl nmci WMi yov Mia ana toii bow yes cos pay Ws mm Iwsiajlale ImtaltaHoti CHUCK TMMPWCCV Gocdrich Commanders ATIaff Slfx1S 55c 00? UlIH) (W a I 11 with Idn Xnat TAYLOR Grit Joseph Gawthora xATrarmM RADIOS A $3795 (BllHhin fl tii r-1 V- jl "7 v5- OF Comedy BetT-Color Oaitoaa Chapter I 1 '-4 i'V-i Vfcn'c'F1 (Jim) BACHMAN Mgr Aag aad Preeenta AMATEUR SHOW! A ttra 11 lluAwa raa -tov- eVsuTiivse-y qv ON THE STAGE MAJOR BOWES 620-M Scott JCA 'I rt i I 0 I 'lta blJK- 5 Oat -i- 1 i 1 A v1-' fi 1 '1111 Jte A 1 1 -7 1 '3 i-'.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.